
date 枣椰树

hickory 山核桃树

plane tree 悬铃树

beech 山毛榉

horse chestnut 七叶树

blackthorn 黑刺李

baobab 猴面包树

elder 接骨木

myrtle 桃金娘科植物

cycad 苏铁

oil palm 油棕榈树

treetop 树梢

branch 树枝

twig 小树枝

bough 大树枝

knot 树节

trunk 树干

leaf 树叶

sprout 新芽

sapling 树苗

stump 树桩

root 树根

root hair 根毛

taproot 主根

bark 树皮

resin 树脂

pith 木髓

cambium 形成层

ring 年轮

wood 木材

Trees 树木

pine 松

cerdar 雪松类

larch 落叶松

juniper 杜松

cone 松果

cypress 柏树

bamboo 竹

box 黄杨

poplar 白杨

cottonwood 三角叶杨

osier 紫皮柳树

willow 垂柳

birch 白桦

maple 枫树

sequoia 红杉

fir 冷杉

hemlock spruce 铁杉

spruce 云杉

yew 紫杉

eucalytus 桉树

locust 洋槐

wattle 金合欢树

camphor tree 樟树

rosewood 紫檀

ebony 乌檀

sandalwood 檀香木

satinwood 椴木

linden 椴树

rowan 欧洲山梨

teak 柚木树

elm 榆木树

oak 橡树

acorn 橡树果

sycamore 美国梧桐

ginkgo 银杏树

holly 冬青

coco 椰树


英语谜语题目:What do we get if we cross a woodpecker with a homing pigeon?


【答案】A bird that knocks on the door when delivering messages.


英语谜语题目:Where does afternoon come before morning in the world?


【答案】In the dictionary.在字典里。

英语谜语题目:What do you know about the kings of France?


【答案】They are all dead. 他们都死了。

英语谜语题目:what tree is always very sad? key:weeping willow


【答案】垂柳.谜语解析:weeping willow的意思是垂柳,weeping是哭,willow是柳树

英语谜语题目:what is full when its used and empty when its at rest? key:a shoe



英语谜语题目:what animal is taller sitting down than standing up? key:A dog



英语谜语题目:what is black when its clean and white when its dirty? key:a blackboard



英语谜语题目:what 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away? key:sixth



英语谜语题目:What has four eyes but cannot see?


【答案】Mississippi 谜语解析:有4个i,但是因为是地名,所以看不见。
